By workloading a building, services managers have been able to intimately understand the times involved in each major cleaning task throughout a building and in doing so optimise their labour costs and improve their cleaning standards. Daniels workloading provides a systematic means to optimise cost versus performance.
Daniels Consulting Services
Daniels offer a range of consulting services to the Aged Care industry to ensure our clients get the most out of our software and optimise the cleaning and maintenance of their facilities. As a global provider of consulting services Daniels is closely related to equipment and chemicals manufacturers throughout the world – when new ideas are developed to reduce labour costs and improve cleaning standards we are usually one of the first to hear about it.
Why Use Daniels to Workload your Facilities
Daniels experience in workloading the most complex facilities around the globe means we can develop a labour analysis based cleaning specification for your facility within weeks so you can start to plan the enormous savings for your facility almost immediately. It generally takes about 2-3 weeks to develop a specification for a 100 bed facility.
What Type of Savings can be Achieved by Workloading my Facility?
Labour savings can be as low as 10% and as high as 20-30%. We can provide you a savings estimate based on the size of your facility and the number of cleaning staff you currently employ.
Surely the Cleaning Standards of My Facility will Suffer by Making Such Dramatic Cuts to our Staff?
The short answer is NO.
- Firstly, our workloading DOES NOT require cleaning staff to work any harder. It does require cleaning staff to work smarter.
- Our analysis is based on reviewing the cleaning tasks currently being used at your facility and measuring them against our best practice labour analysis specification.
- Frequently many cleaning task are being performed unnecessarily, or being repeated on a daily basis by cleaning staff.
- As part of our review we generally identify many cleaning tasks where the times can be reduced by over 50% through the use of new and more efficient cleaning methods and/or equipment.
- Our detailed cleaning/labour specifications allows Management and Staff to intimately understand the cleaning times involved for every cleaning task throughout the facility. This detailed analysis provides management with a powerful tool for improving labour management practices. The use of the specification as a management tolls will generally result in saving of 5-10% alone.
It is Daniels guarantee to our clients that our services will not only dramatically reduce labour costs, but improve the cleaning standard of your facility.
Developing a Detailed cleaning/labour specification for your facility and managing your staff to adhere to your specification means the your facility cleaning standards should be immaculate!
What is the Process for Workloading a Facility?
We firstly meet with your cleaning manager and head of nursing to outline our program and precisely what will be achieved for your facility.
We then review the entire facility room by room; measure the size of each room and count the number of fixtures and fittings to be cleaned. This step takes about 3 days for a 100 bed facility.
- After completing the walk-through phase we then take the data and develop a detailed cleaning-labour analysis for your entire facility. This process takes about 3 days for a 100 bed facility.
- On the completion of the labour analysis we meet with your cleaning manager and head of nursing to present the specification for the facility.
- Generally, we implement a number of minor modifications to be specification based on our discussions.
- We then spend a day reviewing the cleaning practices with and compare the current cleaning practices to the new specification. At the end of the day we review our observations with the Cleaning and Nursing Managers.
- Our final step involves spending a day training several groups of staff on the new cleaning specifications. We recommend supervisory staff attend the training sessions to understand the implications of the new specifications and provide them the means to training remaining staff. We do provide optional ongoing training services.