Course outline
This course provides a guide for evaluating, developing and submitting cleaning services tenders.
Cleaning services tenders will vary in complexity depending upon size of the tender and organisation responsible for the services tender.
This course including tips and hints and a sample corporate profile provided as a Microsoft word document.
Winning a tender means your proposal was evaluated as the best ‘value for money’ cleaning services to the client.
Understanding your company’s core strengths and its Unique Selling Proposition (USP) is critical you your success.
It is strongly advised you enrol in the course Marketing Commercial Cleaning Services prior to, or in conjunction with this course.
This course does not lead to an accredited unit of competency.
When you finish this course, you will have an understanding of the following concepts and ideas:
Section (1) How to Tender on New Business
Section (2) How to Win more Tenders
This course is NOT part of the Certificate IV in Cleaning Management.
Click here to enrol : https://hia.energe3.com.au/